Project team leader
Full professor Aneta Stojić, PhD

Aneta Stojić graduated in German language and literature and French language and literature in Zadar in 1996. She completed her postgraduate studies in General linguistics in 2006 at the University of Zadar, where she obtained her PhD. Since 1998, she has been working at the Department of German Studies, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Rijeka. She became a professor in 2012 and since then she has been teaching linguistic courses at the Department. In her scientific work, she deals with lexicological, phraseological and contact linguistic phenomena in Croatian and German language. She is head of the postgraduate specialist study in translation. She is the scientific director of Rijeka's Austrian Library.
Assistant professor Nataša Košuta, PhD

Nataša Košuta completed her studies in Croatian language and literature and German language and literature at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Rijeka, and in 2016 she received her doctorate in the framework of the postgraduate doctoral study of glottodidactics at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Zagreb by defending her doctoral thesis titled "Collocation competence in the written production of high school students of the German language in Croatia" under the supervision of professor Aneta Stojić. She is employed at the Department of German Studies, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Rijeka. Her research interests include the process of mastering a foreign language, early foreign language learning and collocations.
Associate professor Christine Konecny, PhD

Christine Konecny graduated from the University of Innsbruck with a master's degree in Latin and Italian (teaching major) in 2002. She also received a doctorate there in 2008. In 2015, she completed her habilitation and has been an associate professor of Italian linguistics ever since. She is considered an expert in phraseology, and she gained a reputation in this field primarily with her award-winning dissertation on collocations in the Italian language. She was also the head of two research projects: "Italian-German collocations" and „LeKo – lexeme combinations and typified speech in a multilingual context”. Since 2018, she has been a collaborator on the projects "GEPHRAS" and "GEPHRAS2" (, which are dedicated to the phraseological inventory of Genoese speech, which is threatened by extinction.
Associate professor Marija Brkić Bakarić, PhD

Marija Brkić Bakarić is an associate professor and senior research associate in the scientific field of social sciences, the field of Information and Communication sciences at the Department of Informatics, University of Rijeka. She graduated in Computer science and English language and literature at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Rijeka in 2006, and received her doctorate in Information and Communication sciences at the University of Zagreb in 2013. The subject of Marija Brkić Bakarić's scientific research is the application of machine learning procedures in various domains, with special emphasis on machine translation, natural language processing in general and in-depth data analysis.
Assistant professor Lucia Načinović Prskalo, PhD

Lucia Načinović Prskalo is an assistant professor at the Department of Informatics at the University of Rijeka. She graduated in Computer science and English language and literature at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Rijeka in 2008. She obtained her PhD after completing the postgraduate studies in Information and Communication sciences at the University of Zagreb in 2016. Since 2009, she has been working at the Department of Informatics at the University of Rijeka and participates in the preparation and delivery of classes at undergraduate and graduate levels of studies in informatics. She is currently coordinator of the courses English language for IT professions, Dynamic web apps i Introduction to web programmingThe field of her scientific research includes computer processing of natural languages, machine translation, data analysis and visualization, creation of web applications, language prosody, speech synthesis, computer-assisted language learning. She has published and reviewed a large number of scientific papers in the aforementioned fields as an author and co-author.
Postdoctoral researcher Jana Jurčević, PhD

Jana Jurčević completed her graduate studies in Linguistics and Sociology at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Zagreb in 2011. From 2012 to 2021, she was employed at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Zagreb as a graduate teaching assistant at the Department of Linguistics, where she participated in the courses "Language in Public and Interpersonal Communication", "Linguistics and its Dialects", "Applied Linguistics", "Discourse Analysis " and "Semantics of understanding". In July 2021, she defended her doctoral dissertation in the field of philology, the branch of linguistics, with a topic in sociopragmatics, at the Postgraduate Doctoral Study in Linguistics at the University of Zagreb, thereby obtaining the academic degree of Doctor of Science in General Linguistics. Her specific areas of interest lie in the domain of pragmalinguistics, sociolinguistics, (critical) discourse analysis, cyber-communication, philosophy of language, semantics, semiotics of digital media and the theory of language evolution.

Iva Barić has a master's degree in German language and literature and English language and literature since September 2013. She is a lecturer at the Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management at the University of Rijeka, at the Department of Foreign Languages. Her fields of interest include applied linguistics, glottodidactics, research on collocations, metalinguistic awareness and cross-linguistic influence. She is currently a PhD student of glottodidactics and investigates differences in cross-linguistic influence, metalinguistic awareness and the level of language acquisition among students who first learn English and then German, or vice versa. She gained experience by working with different age groups in a foreign language school and in a secondary and elementary school.

Ana Keglević Blažević completed the study of German language and literature and English language and literature in 2015, and in 2016 she was employed as a teaching assistant at the Department of German language and literature at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Osijek. In 2017, she enrolled in the postgraduate study of German studies at the Faculty of Arts at the University of Maribor. In her doctoral thesis, she dealt with a contrastive analysis of German and Croatian collocations.
Assistant professor Katja Dobrić Basaneže, PhD

Katja Dobrić Basaneže is Assistant Professor at the Department of English, Faculty of Humanities, University Juraj Dobrila in Pula. She graduated in English Language and Literature and German Language and Literature at the Faculty of Humanities in Rijeka in 2009. She obtained her PhD degree in Translation Studies at the Faculty of Arts in Ljubljana in 2017. She worked as a lecturer at the Faculty of Medicine and Law in Rijeka, where she taught LSP courses. She is currently coordinator of the courses "Introduction to Translation", "Translation Workshop 1","Lexicography and Lexicology", "English Language Morphology and Syntax", and "Basic Linguistic Concepts". Her areas of scientific interest include LSP phraseology and terminology, legal translation and corpus linguistics.
Associate professor Jakob Patekar, PhD (2021.-2023.)

Jakob Patekar received his degree in English language and literature and Pedagogy in 2007 at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Rijeka, and in 2016 he received his doctorate with a summa cum laude grade within the postgraduate study of Glottodidactics at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, at the University of Zagreb, defending the thesis "The influence of Croatian as a mother tongue on written achievement in English as a foreign language among eighth-grade students". From 2007 to 2016, he taught English at an elementary school in Rijeka. At the beginning of 2017, he was employed at RIT Croatia, where he teaches writing courses and heads the Department of General Education Courses. He has been teaching "Introduction to learning and teaching English" at the Faculty of Philosophy in Rijeka as an external associate since 2019.
Associate professor Mihaela Matešić, PhD

Mihaela Matešić is an associate professor at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Rijeka. At the Department of Croatian Studies at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Rijeka, she has participated in teaching a large number of courses in the field of contemporary Croatian standardology since 1998. As a research associate, she worked on projects supported by the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports and the Croatian Science Foundation. She is a team leader of numerous scientific projects run at the University of Rijeka, as well as a leader of several scientific and developmental projects. She is also a member of the Language Research Center at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Rijeka, the Slavic Linguistic Society and the Croatian Society for Applied Linguistics. Finally, she has authored numerous scientific articles, one scientific book and co-edited several books published by reputable publishers.